
“...Jacqui learns what moves you (literally and figuratively). With her guidance, I was able to cultivate a vision and [...] craft an evocative performance full of emotion and free from mimicry. This workshop is definitely worth checking out if you are ready to discover and nurture your personal style.”
— Emma O., CC Client

Concept Creation

I developed Concept Creation as a response to the difficulties I hear around making a performance impactful to an audience while staying true to themselves.

Incorporating my education and experience as a performance artist and competitive pole dancer, this program provides a blueprint for dreaming outside of the box while bringing the performance to life.


  • Clarity and understanding around your concept and purpose

  • New ways to explore and discover movement and expression

  • A reality check on your vision and ability to execute

  • A piece that is true to you and your creative purpose that lives outside of your brain

What to expect:

  • 2 private virtual sessions to discuss performance goals + vision

  • 2 private virtual sessions to review the performance

  • Blueprint assignments